Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cattle Drive (The Old School Way)

When asked if I would like to ride with Nick and Brad, how could I say, "No". Little did I know it included a cattle drive. It was time to move the Spring calves to their Fall pasture to fatten up till about November, when they will go to market. Was a 2-day event, and was an adventure and an education. Totally understand the "Cowboy Walk". A good time was had by all. (Well, except for, maybe, the cows)
A wonderful way to start the day

Morning breaks across the open plains

View from the horse as we move out with the herd

Sunrise, the second day

Brad's mule picked up a tumbleweed bush and chewed on it while we
continued to push cows.
If you have never seen a mule chewing on a tumbleweed, it's hilarious!

Red Rocks shining against the sky

The Old Rancher and his faithful Steed,
On the trail back home