Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Caught in the Polar Vortex

The End of Global Warming!

So after a week of a nice warming trend, just as things were beginning
to turn green-

We bring You.....

Fence post Snowmen!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

That's a lot of bull!

And then there's the time...

As a young lad, our Ol' Rancher was as curious 
as any youth his age.
So one day, as his Dad was about to fire up his 
Model T truck (you know the one's with the hand 
crank in front)
Well, our young lad had been really interested in 
what the results would be if the tailpipe of Dad's
Model T, would become plugged.
Lacking anything to try his experiment but some
fresh "cow patties" in the driveway, he want about
his plan.
His Dad cranked harder and harder, but the Model T
just would not fire over.
(Granted they weren't the easiest beast to start to begin with,
 but this was getting old, quickly)

Finally, the old truck fires up, and in the very same instant
The young man's father wonders why it was so hard to start,
and why his young son was standing behind it, 

Oh, The Days of Our Youth

Long before the Ol' Rancher worked with
prize Herfords...

Long before he rode many a trail
on  his faithful steed, "Smokey"...

And, long before he decided to
take this greenhorn on a
cattle drive to his summer pasture...

The Ol' Rancher was a kid,
a youngster, just a "tadpole"

And because he was a young boy once,
he had wild and crazy, young boy thoughts and

"So one day, my older brother and I were riding on the back of the neighbors
Going at a fairly good clip, down what served for roads, back then.

My older brother makes the pronouncement that he needed to relieve himself.

Now, mind you, our neighbor was not going to stop and the truck was not "self-contained"

So lacking any other options, my brother decides that the only option was to "hang it all out 
over the back of the truck. (Seemed like a reasonable idea at the time)

While my brother was focused on the immediate need, I was focused on the upcoming bump
in the road!
Not wanting to bother my brother in his time of need, I decided to keep my peace (just to see what might happen)
Well, we hit that bump full on and my brother, in mid stream, flailed about with much drama. (Did mention he was wearing glasses at the time?)
Gathering himself, finally, he turns around to me, wiping his glasses and says, "Guess ya need windshield wipers on this ride"

Of course, I 'bout wet myself, laughin' so hard"

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Sometimes you just need to stop and watch the sun set!

 On a recent return trip from Billings, I could not
help but notice the sunset

 Like most photography, sunsets 
can be a tricky shoot

 Between the timing and background...

 ... you really never know what you're gonna get
until you get back home.

 And that's when the "Wow" factor
really kicks in

Sunset's are cool.
Sometimes you just need to stop
and let Mother Nature 
paint the picture.