Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why can't we all just get along!

Given recent and current political events the world over, it makes me wonder:

 If there is anything we can learn from our pets, it's this:

 Anja and Mouser do not speak the same language
Barks and Meows simply do not translate

 Mouser is a cat that runs around, room to room 
for no apparent reason

Anja is a barely year old mutt mix that prefers to
relax on the living room rug
And yet, Black or Brown
Big or Small
Dog or Cat

They still find a way to get along
and actually make a cute couple

I think we can learn a thing or two from our pets!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is all the Rage!

Sometimes, to real get the good shots,
You have to get up earlier than usual.
Sometimes, in spite off all the planning,
What you get is more than you could have
ever hoped for.

 There is a time between Winter and Spring, in Montana,
a micro season, called Mud!

After spending several months in the deep freeze of Winter,
Snow up to your wazoo, and bitter cold that freezes the snot in your nose.
Finally, the first hints of Spring begin to show themselves.
And, with that, we have the micro season of "Mud"
 It's time to get out for those "Day Trips" that you've planned 
all winter long, as cabin fever set in deeper by the day.
 Past fields of livestock feeding and the early calving season, 
for hope, and new life spring eternal, every Spring.

Mixed in with all of this new, is a glimpse into the past.
Old barns, in near collapse...
Old hay stacking racks, revolutionary in it's day
Leaving behind Haystacks,
not bales or rolls of hay,
but haystacks.
A sign of the past but still in use today in the far reaches
of the Montana prairie